Early Years 2024 - 2025

Mrs Rowland

Early Years Lead

Miss Hall

"Children get off to a good start in the early years. Staff have high expectations and children do their best each day to live up to them. Children experience a broad curriculum. They enjoy the challenges that staff provide during lessons each day. They are keen to show what they have learned. Well established routines help children to develop positive attitudes to learning. They listen attentively to adults and engage in purposeful conversations. These good habits stay with them throughout their time at the school." OFSTED 2021  

Welcome to Early Years at Hartford...

This year we are looking forward to supporting your child's learning journey through meaningful learing experiences. We are passionate about ensuring every child fulfils their potential and support them to develop in all areas of the curriculum. Hartford EY children become independent and think for themsleves, they learn to overcome problems and build resliance.  

Our classes are -

EYKR - Mrs K Rowland

EYEH - Miss E Hall

We are supported in EY by our wonderful teaching assistant is Mrs E Lenton

We have daily ELS phonics sessions when we learn new letters and their sounds and then we use them in our reading and writing. We also follow Pathways to Write, where we enjoy lots of wonderful books, which we base our early writing activities around. We believe becoming a skilled, attentive reader starts at the earliest stages, you child will receive a new reading book each week along with a pleasure read to share together. We work hard on our number skills in a daily taught session and also in our own time in the Maths area. 

We also get to take part in Forest School. Each half term we have a session where we complete many hands on activities from building bug hotels to making clay bog babies and their is always time for a story and toasting a marshmellow around the camp fire.

We have snack avaiable each and every day, we enjoy healthy fruit and vegetables and a drink of water. 

We are keen to keep you updated with our daily EY adventures so please do follow us on X and activate your child's learning journey via Seesaw - see video below.



Things You Need to Know:

PE  We do PE on Thursday mornings, please ensure that the children arrive in school in their P.E kits ready to go!

Names  Please check all clothing, water bottles, lunchboxes are clearly named.  Names that are written onto labels may wash off during the year and may need checking regularly.

Nut & Kiwi Free School  Please do not send your child to school with any food that contains nuts or kiwi fruit.

Water Bottles  We encourage the children to bring a water bottle each day, please ensure it is only water.  If your child is having a packed lunch please send a separate drink. 

Absence  If your child is poorly please call or email the school office as early as possible, the answerphone system is available 24/7, call 01606 74164 option 1.


SRE (Sexual, Relationship Education) in Early Years

In Early Years, children will be taught;

To show a range of feelings when appropriate.

To be sensitive to the needs of others.

To form good relationships with adults and peers

To work as part of a group, taking turns and sharing fairly.

To consisder the consequences of their actions.

To understand that people have different needs, views, cultures and beliefs.

To interact with others, taking turns in conversations.

To manage their own personal hygiene. 


Below you will also find several useful documents that will support your child's time in EY.


ELS Phonics Parents support - https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/reading/reading-schemes-oxford-levels/essential-letters-and-sounds/?fbclid=IwAR0XQsezraqQYfjxLeeM3lQ90MeQBGc1Z2_DIBDbYaw9WRXTvLELYHusggs


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