
Curriculum Statement 1.JPG Curriculum Statement 2.JPG


The Curriculum at Hartford Primary School 

At Hartford Primary School we are committed to developing a curriculum that is fully inclusive and prepares children for life in the 21stCentury. 

We seek opportunities to recognise and celebrate diversity in our school community, the local community, nationally and internationally through the different areas of the curriculum and through enrichment experiences, visits and visitors. 

We are proud that equality and inclusion is at the heart of all we do and our ethos is highlighted through our vision, mission and core values: 

Our curriculum intent is to inspire learning and understanding through an inclusive and creative curriculum, encouraging curiosity and giving our children the knowledge and skills to make the world a better place in the 21st century. In all year groups, our focus is to support our children to make the smooth transition into the next stage of their life.


Learn Together, Achieve Together, Celebrate Together


To enable children to achieve their true potential in a happy and safe environment. 

Core Values: 






At Hartford Primary we value all aspects of the curriculum in its broadest sense, from reading, writing and arithmetic, to computing and the arts and humanities. Teachers develop the curriculum to provide lessons that inspire pupils to further their learning, including outside of school. 

We aim to provide learning opportunities that promote a sense of curiosity in our pupils, introducing them to new ideas, enabling them to develop their own interests and aspirations and develop a love of learning. 

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) 

Hartford Primary School’s EYFS classes provide a stimulating learning environment which encourages learning through play. 

The children are given opportunities to explore and learn for themselves and experiences and topics are planned based around their needs and interests. 

The EYFS curriculum ensures that we plan learning opportunities in the following areas:

Prime Areas

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Communication and Language
  • Physical Development

Specific Areas

  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding of the World
  • Expressive Arts and design

See also:

Key Stage One and Two 

The National Curriculum is used to teach:

  • Mathematics
  • English
  • Science
  • Art and Design and Technology
  • RE (Cheshire Syllabus)
  • Geography
  • History
  • Music (Including instrumental tuition for pupils in Year 4 with Wider Opportunities and the ukulele in Year 5 and Year 6)
  • Physical Education
  • Computing
  • Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) - Spanish across all year groups 

Personal Social Health Economic education enables the children to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe, and prepare for life and work in modern Britain. Evidence shows that well-delivered PSHE programmes have an impact on both academic and non-academic outcomes for pupils, particularly the most vulnerable and disadvantaged. At Hartford Primary, our curriculum is being developed to ensure that the skills and attributes focused on in PSHE lessons such as resilience, self-esteem, risk-management, team working and critical thinking are taught and applied through all curriculum subjects. 

At Hartford Primary School we love to celebrate our learning and experiences. We use our Twitter account to capture many events; our weekly newsletter keeps everyone up to date with what is happening and each year group has a page on the website where you can find out more about the classes, their learning and learning links and each term, we invite parents to come and watch our Celebration Assemblies!