Year 3 2024 - 2025

Mrs Glendenning

Year 3 Teacher
Lower KS2 Lead

Miss Eyre

Mrs Cade

Year 6 Teacher
KS2 Lead
Deputy Headteacher

Welcome to Year Three!

3JO - Miss Eyre

3MG - Mrs Glendenning and Mrs Cade

Welcome to our Year Three page! Our children have settled in amazingly into Year Three and are working super hard. 

We and our TAs work closely together to ensure all children are happy, safe and enjoy their time at Hartford Primary School.

In Year 3 we love to learn and we try to make all our learning hands on, fun and exciting. As Year 3 is the first year of KS2, we are focussing on becoming more independent and taking responsibility for our learning and belongings and well as having lots of fun! We promise to teach a broad and balanced curriculum and the children experience various topics, trips and experiences.

We teach a broad and balanced curriculum and the children experience various topics and experiences for us all. Please click on the link below to find out all about the Autumn term in Year 3.

Things to remember: 

Homework: Homework will be set each Friday to be completed by the following Friday. Homework will be an English task and a Maths fluency task on alternative weeks. Weekly, the children are also required to practise their times tables on Time Tables Rock Stars as much as possible and read three times a week.

Reading: The children are expected to read at least three times per week for 10 per minutes and to change their reading book in the mornings regularly.  Please write a comment in the children’s reading records each time to let us know how they are getting on with their reading at home. We ask that your child's reading record and book is in school on your child's guided reading day so we can check their records and change their books. 

Spelling: We will send spellings home each week along with the homework. These will be spellings that we are focusing on in our writing. We encourage the children to use new spellings in their literacy homework. Year 3 spellings can be found inside their reading records. 

PE: Mr Cairns will be teaching PE on a Wednesday. The children will also have an additional PE lesson on a Friday. Please make sure your child comes to school wearing the PE kit on their classes' PE day.

Miss Eyre is excited to be teaching Spanish to both classes on a Friday too.    

Water Bottles: We encourage the children to bring a water bottle each day, please ensure it is only water.  If your child is having a packed lunch please send a separate drink. 

Forest Schools: The children will take part in a six week block of Forest Schools in Autumn linked to our History topic - The Stone Age to Iron Age.

We are very much looking forward to getting to know you and your children over the next year. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to come and speak to catch us at the end of the day and we can give you a ring after school or send us an email to [email protected] and we will aim to get back to you by the end of the following day.

Lastly, make sure to keep an eye out on our X page for our tweets of exciting activities we might be up to and great work the children have produced!

We are very much looking forward to getting to know you and your children over the next year. 

Mrs Glendenning, Miss Eyre and Mrs Cade



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Year 3: Calendar items


INSET DAY, by Mrs Parr