Year 6 2024 - 2025
Mrs Wheeler
Year 6 Teacher
Miss Lee
Year 6 Teacher
Mrs Ovenden
Year 6 teacher
Welcome to Year 6!
Our teachers are Mrs Ovenden (6LO) and Miss Lee & Mrs Wheeler (6LW)
Welcome to Year 6!
Year 6 is the final year for our children at Hartford Primary School. It is always a busy year as we prepare for the end of Key Stage SATs and the transition to high school.
To find out what we are learning about this term please look at our curriculum page where you will find the Year 6 Overview.
Here in Year 6, we teach a broad and balanced curriculum and the children experience various topics, trips and experiences. During autumn term, we are learning about World War 1 and 2 and we will be answering the question, ‘Did WW1 or WW2 have the biggest impact on our locality?’
We ensure that all children will be fully immersed in a rich, creative and exciting curriculum and environment. In Year 6, this includes:
Tatton Park
Conway Centre Residential
Buddhist Centre Visit
High School Transition Days
World Book Day
Science Week
End of year treats!
Currently homework is set every other Friday The children are set English tasks, maths activities and an optional wellbeing activity, which they have just under 2 weeks to complete in their homework book. This homework is emailed home but we will print the homework for children when requested. Year 6 are also expected to read 3 - 5 times a week and to take part in regular times table practise using Times Table Rock Stars. Reading diaries are to be signed at least three times by an adult at home.
Mr Cairns teaches PE on a Wednesday morning. The children also have an additional PE lesson on a Thursday afternoon delivered by their class teacher. Please see the curriculum map for the year's sports.
Mrs Karle will also teach Spanish on a Wednesday
Water bottles
We encourage children to bring a labelled water bottle each day, please ensure it is only water. These bottles should be taken home each day to be washed.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email the Year 6 team at [email protected]. If you require an immediate response, please contact the office as this address is not checked during teaching hours.
Files to Download
Year 6: Calendar items
Conway Residential Parents Meeting, by Mrs Parr
Year 6 SAT's Week, by Mrs Parr