Year 1 2024 - 2025

Mrs Dodd

Year 1 Teacher

Mrs Clinkard

Year 1 Teacher

Mrs Williams

Year 1 Teacher

Welcome to Year One!

1JD – Mrs J Dodd

1CW-Mrs Clinkard (Mon - Weds)  Mrs Williams (Thurs -Fri)

Welcome to our Year One page. Our children have settled in amazingly into Year One and are working super hard. 

We and our TAs, Mrs Tomkinson, Mrs Baynes, Mrs Blagg and Mrs Fox work closely together to ensure all children are happy, safe and enjoy their time at Hartford Primary School.  

In Year 1 we continue the learning journey from Early Years to further develop the core skills across the curriculum.  We then build upon these to ensure our children excel and achieve their very best across a broad and balanced curriculum.

In Year 1 we love to learn and we try to make all our learning hands on, fun and exciting. As Year 1 is the first year of KS1, we are focussing on becoming more independent and taking responsibility for our learning and belongings. We promise to teach a broad and balanced curriculum and the children experience various topics, trips and experiences. 

In Year 1 (and throughout KS1), we teach phonics to support early reading and spelling. We follow ELS - Essential letters and sounds. Our children are regularly assessed to match their reading skills to the correct reading books to appropriately challenge them and we use a range of reading schemes to engage our children. It is expected that our children read three times a week at home as their homework. To find out more about our learning in other subjects please see the Curriculum map on the website.

Things to remember: 

Forest Schools: The children will take part in a six week block of Forest Schools in the Spring term. 

Homework/Reading: The children are expected to read at least three times per week for 10 minutes.  Please write a comment in the children’s reading records each time to let us know how they are getting on with their reading at home.

Water Bottles: We encourage the children to bring a water bottle each day, please ensure it is only water.  If your child is having a packed lunch please send a separate drink. 

We are very much looking forward to continuing our journey with you and your children over the next year. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by email to our Year 1 account.

From Mrs Dodd, Mrs Clinkard and Mrs Williams



Year 1: News items

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Year 1: Gallery items

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Year 1: Calendar items


INSET DAY, by Mrs Parr