Breakfast and After School Club "RRAP Club""

Hartford Primary School operate our own Breakfast and After School Clkub called the "RRAP Club".

RRAP stands for our core values, and our children were proud to be involved in naming the club:





RRAP Club is open between 7.30am and 8.45am for breakfast, and 3.10pm until 6.00pm after school, with an option to collect at 4.30pm. The club operates term time only, on days that school is open for pupils. Hartford Primary Schools existing staff work in the club, ensuring that children are familiar with the faces they see during the school day.

Children can book into regular weekly slot, with the option to also attend on an ad hoc basis.

To find our more about the RRAP Club and enquire how to register and book in, please email:

Primary School

Riddings Lane, Hartford,
Northwich, Cheshire CW8 1NA

Let's Connect

Main Contact | Miss M Fairweather01606 74164

About Us

Our school is a thriving, two form entry school, in the community of Hartford. We pride ourselves on knowing each and every child and their family and work hard to create a very inclusive and welcoming environment.